How to Enjoy Being A Parent (Against the Odds) Anna recently wrote this article for Happiful magazine ... Is there a way to avoid transferring our fears, insecurities, and unfulfilled dreams onto our children? Philip Larkin sums it up pretty well in his poem, This be The Verse. "They fuck you up, …
Helping Teens Transition: A Guide for Parents
Helping your teenage child to make the journey Having found out that your child is transgender is a big message to take in. You might be worried that you don’t know how or what to do or say, or that what you are doing is not enough. If this is the case, before you read the tips below, please …
Change – how it happens and why it doesn’t always last
I am going to change! Now! We are quick to start, often quick to succeed - but often even quicker to revert back to the old behaviour. Why? We embark on the change process when the discomfort of staying with what we know becomes bigger than the anxiety of the unknown. It is the same process …