…when you learn how to see your life as a research project.
The New Year with its resolutions is here again. Are you busy planning your next goal, reviewing how well you did with your last year’s goal, your lifetime goal? This activity is useful but has its perils. Being focused on one goal inevitably discriminates everything else as not alligned with a goal and therefore “wrong”, breeding sense of guilt and shame (I was supposed to do my media posts and I am listening to ted talks again… BAD Me!).
What if, sometimes at least, you lived your life as if it was a research project rather that a constant Mission Impossible?
Well, it would change the outlook on your purpose in life and allow you to live life in the state of constant curiosity about outcome rather than guilt of non-achievement or betrayal of the goal. How about that?!?
If it sounds even a little bit enticing – this podcast will tell you in detail how to go about it.